Work Hard

The common features in the citizens bahanebaji complaints is that it can be called negligence. prepare to quite a bit without claims is the Magna Carta but see that the general public more than inconveniences the facility. of such capital is the other inconveniences of comfortable places as well as understandable.

Ranchi junction to other parts of the State and country that trains are moving but without repairing the railway bridge over the management has started a number of platform renewal. the brunt of it suffer. before you start working with the optional feature keeping should start working but without preparation. the result that passengers pay more in light of the porters are freight The crash damaged the bridge is over the possibility of also cannot deny the elderly take more trouble train. ".

The railway management to the better facilities in readiness operations provide. now point the State Electricity Board for the power. is claiming that the capital would be zero power cut that power in Ranchi ankhamichauni. but the situation on the ground is something else most areas getting load shading.. it will also be able to find the bahanebaji of the diagnosis of common consumer stricken officials.. after rain capital Replace the power distribution system to the work of the marammatikran.

Even if the distribution is in power is the responsibility of the Board to fix the flaws. consumer complaints are unheard. it is serious the immediate settlement of the power Board complaints. helpline created but think keeping things cannot move the airport approach road of uncertainty. exactly not. the State five months off work.Airports Authority of India, and the solution is to remove the Defense Ministry together. it is the essence of problems are associated with the general public and is the only way to the solution of readiness.

Size of Earth

In the future the person where to find the planets the size of Earth, NASA's Kepler space telescope, in the three-and-a-half-year successfully completed the main campaign. as well as his extended campaign in the four years of the beginning of May.

March 6, 2009 at the beginning of this campaign. scientists used data from more than 2300 of Kepler planet-like thing to be recognized and confirmed more than about a hundred planets have been found in the search that Akash Ganga planet systems. These fertile planet and indicate that the nature of the small planets skills. NASA said in a statement. Hundreds of planets the size of Earth that until now have been found, which by the way is also the area where the liquid water on the surface of a planet. None of the planet Earth is not like at all. to meet with the main campaign, gathering enough data to Kepler so that in fact the Sun-Earth-sized planets with earth could detect such kind of wiring the Vertigo a year Sun Meet in.

NASA's ames moffett field of California-based research center-based Kepler principal investigator William borukki said initial searches of the Kepler Mission indicate that there are at least one third of stars are their planet and thus the number of planets in our sky Ganga certainly is in the billions.