World Budget

The United Nations General Assembly by 2012-13 by the world body's budget for five percent of the 5.4 billion dollar offer after the approval to India, Brazil, China and other emerging economies will contribute more to the country by the United Nations and European countries such as Germany, UK, although, in France and Japan's contribution.

After several days of debate, the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly [administrative and budgetary] proposals, including raising the level of the Member States of the United Nations itself pension system and the budget proposed for 2013 political missions 33.192-Member United Nations in its regular operating budget increase of $ 24.33 million proposal is passed to it last year, 5.15 billion. offer was agreed upon.

India will pay 24 percent. up from 0.5 percent in participation or budget 0.66 percent while China contributed 61. phisad will rise of Italy as well as Canada and beat to it by China at the United Nations in contributing to the regular budget, the sixth country. of the 22 percent of Americans has not changed in every State in the United Nations budget. contribute your Global gross national income based on.

General Assembly, special missions in 2013 to 33 $ 56.64 million budget approved Libya and Yemen, Syria, this mission to Sudan, South Sudan, operates in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Connecticut Shoot Out

The u.s. State of Connecticut has a primary school located in nyutaun rampant death, connecticut Governor daniel mailay the results speak for the American province rather the tragedy. He said that it is a tragedy that results speak for not. He also believed that this kind of event is not always to be ready-made. connecticut Police Lt. Paul vains said the investigation is ongoing And a second near the nyutaun another man's body found in these reports he media refused information on the bodies recovered from an apartment of lanja's brother.

Interestingly, connecticut in an elementary school by gunmen firing on Friday a 27-strong adhadhundh. According to CNN news, the principal of the school in those killed in the incident, firing 20 child psycho-therapist and the person's identity. 24-year-old Ryan is the same as lanja school was the father of a child that reading in is also firing died.. White House spokesman Jay karna said President Barack Obama Director of federal investigation agency FBI and talked to Connecticut's Governor and the moaned.

Meanwhile in the us the weapons license to an online petition on the bumper support petition signed by almost 43 thousand people. to the White House to handle any litigation at least 23 thousand people signed the petition to be necessary.

In the Act of skulaen the US is by far the biggest events is believed to be in elementary school in this school named huk. Sandy nursery fourth grade child read, whose age varies between five to ten years. the police committed information day at 9.41. firing after the event closes all schools of the city.

NBC News has been without a CITES said that after firing the person killed was recovered two guns from him in this event, three people have been admitted to the Hospital where dunbar his delicate condition. nyutaun York City's population is around 27 thousand located in the North-East of the city. the distance is nearly 130 km., according to Obama on the automatic weapons, spokesperson To reapply.

Are such phenomena before

The shooting incident in the u.s. this year. the most recent event is where a gunmen last Tuesday of Oregon, the first two people killed and later. Thus the killings took place in the same year in the event of the night was the Colorado Batman film during the performance of 12 people had been killed and 58 people were injured.