Daughter Learn Creation With Mother

Today your home kitchen set-play your little c's a girl yesterday will form the perfect homemaker adroitly handle the whole family. we whether there may not be so advanced why, but some things never turn. read-only no matter how good the girls wrote or job profile why assuming responsibility, only to finally play them home. even though now instead of them skilled homemaker perfect homemaker said must change their functioning of it. The basic nature of the work is still the same.

It's great that the son-daughter should not discriminate between all sorts of freedom and pleasure them. facilities must equally, but we cannot deny that even the son-daughter of some fundamental difference in the personality of this your daughter is brought up during every mother should take care of these things particularlySo big and became their most special ladle.

Always the conversation

Interact daily with my daughter used to develop spontaneous manner, but remember that this conversation somewhere your bhashnabaji, it would be better that the negative effect on you that. friends, teachers, favorite books and movies operated, lightweight way to communicate the faith-if you don't like her no matter. so not her tankBut the chance to speak candidly. it will be easier to understand her personality and you will develop friendly relationship between.

Outer personality too nikharen

Beauty expert suparna trikha says girls should, from the beginning on beauty so that later they do not have aesthetic problems. nowadays girls skirts, sleeveless tops and wear autphits like Shaw s, there is a must to make their waxing. tinaej hair, face, neck, hand-foot skin and nails also need special care not only beautyBut also in terms of personal hygiene.

Want a little personal space

Psychological consultant Dr ashum Gupta, ' your daughter's personality well yielded by a glittering blue, it is important that you respect the spirit of his privacy, trust him a little freedom. the keeping the promise to him that he won't ever hurt your confidence if you believe freedom will pechanga. so she takes her false point ever.

Be Creative

The child remains clean clean manner, he seems so sweet to all children's body, nails, hair, clothes, shoes, and more fair.

-Keep hand on the mouth cough sikhaen. colds take the napkin is essential.

In the nose, ear, teeth between the all-kuredne is not used.

-Your personal belongings (dress, shoes, copy-book, etc) used to keep the yathasthan neatly.

-Do not use disposable items used around the dustbin to put in sikhaen.

-When an outsider at home, the child inside his stand and welcome if the room is too engrossed in studying at least one or two minutes to quit and guests will happily from.

-The competitor must khatkhataen before the door of the room.

-Competitor, maigjin, newspaper etc so the book, her earliest planted back mode-without knock, scars, etc.

-Competitor, sun-light is not.

Watch your favorite TV program if so commanded by the elders sitting in with hardly.

When does a bit on child greetings elders bent.

-Seek-no such thing when elders are to be always use of the right hand, not the left.

-When going out of the House are large person no children, toka-talkie nor any thing insisted.

-Elders coming back home at Dhar, rough dining thing lachlan nor host on bachchaon against-from jhagden.

-Sikhaen children that neighbors, friends, guests, and not any sort of stubbornness.

-Children of parents without permission and neither should any object were worsted.

-When someone meets with elders ' uncle ', ' Auntie ' or whatever the relationship by saying "good morning", etc. by marigny grit.

-Thank you (thainkyu), sari (and sorry, accuses km) from terms like introduction to children so that they can make these as needed.

-Talk or speak of a listen its a side view.

-Using children and don't save the brand.

-If no two people are talking to each other and tell him that the child wants to say something or to get over the thing or saying, ' please let'm ' in the middle of speaking accuses.

-Baby when your friends meet, their parents must respect the ' grit ' and also a bit with.

Creation Is Children s Dream

Children's adorable and everything beautiful in the world. why not according to the child's needs and ideas of balman furnish their room

-All things arranged in a room so good. organize baby's room to simple steps that all things such as, table, closet, rex and so on according to its length, in order to use them and her baggage and are difficult to remove. it will arrange the room.

-Craft and hobby stores nowadays sell many foods so that if you paint in the paint on the wall and he shines at night this originality in paint substances you child's room on the roof of the moon-stars or wall scenery uker. it will be thrilled when she felt the light off at night.

-Nowadays on the market priced in the styling and the rational designs temporary wall taituj. baby room decorating idea of putting these wall taituj wall taituj also after applying baby best. give filling her way directly to the flight of imagination to decorate a chance. "when kids would love, to be sure that his whip too thinking while the decoration of the walls with wall taituj thing. Is that when you want to delete.

The kids make different pictures, s etc and decorating hobbies. in this work, help them. those things in front of the window or wall parker lanyard leg.

-An interesting message board is also an idea of such a choice of color and fabric for it, like the kambineshan and baby room color to be consistent with this fabric checkerboard were becoming more. Message Board.

-So easy you can instate it magnetic Board also created just for you to have the sheet metal frame, and the favorite color will become magnetic Board set. kahibhi leg on the wall it. any message on paper, such as a child test, typing with the help of the friends went and took on board the magnet.

-Traditional growth chart instead of a border on a wall of the room. the non toxic every month, water based paint with the help of the child's hand to see him this way of living will interest growing.

-Child's room should also arrange a variety of lighting the entire room lighting is necessarily the way., reading light, even if such children. to the toilet at night might not trouble to get up.