Be Creative

The child remains clean clean manner, he seems so sweet to all children's body, nails, hair, clothes, shoes, and more fair.

-Keep hand on the mouth cough sikhaen. colds take the napkin is essential.

In the nose, ear, teeth between the all-kuredne is not used.

-Your personal belongings (dress, shoes, copy-book, etc) used to keep the yathasthan neatly.

-Do not use disposable items used around the dustbin to put in sikhaen.

-When an outsider at home, the child inside his stand and welcome if the room is too engrossed in studying at least one or two minutes to quit and guests will happily from.

-The competitor must khatkhataen before the door of the room.

-Competitor, maigjin, newspaper etc so the book, her earliest planted back mode-without knock, scars, etc.

-Competitor, sun-light is not.

Watch your favorite TV program if so commanded by the elders sitting in with hardly.

When does a bit on child greetings elders bent.

-Seek-no such thing when elders are to be always use of the right hand, not the left.

-When going out of the House are large person no children, toka-talkie nor any thing insisted.

-Elders coming back home at Dhar, rough dining thing lachlan nor host on bachchaon against-from jhagden.

-Sikhaen children that neighbors, friends, guests, and not any sort of stubbornness.

-Children of parents without permission and neither should any object were worsted.

-When someone meets with elders ' uncle ', ' Auntie ' or whatever the relationship by saying "good morning", etc. by marigny grit.

-Thank you (thainkyu), sari (and sorry, accuses km) from terms like introduction to children so that they can make these as needed.

-Talk or speak of a listen its a side view.

-Using children and don't save the brand.

-If no two people are talking to each other and tell him that the child wants to say something or to get over the thing or saying, ' please let'm ' in the middle of speaking accuses.

-Baby when your friends meet, their parents must respect the ' grit ' and also a bit with.